Sunday, July 24, 2005

Up to date Morning 24 July

Ok we've worked the last hour or so posting pictures and catching you up on what is going on. We've decided to stay an extra night here at San-Suz-Ed Campground outside West Glacier. Today (Sunday 24th July) we're gonna (ok I keep trying to type "gona" and theresa keeps correcting me, She is Correct(I am so wrong)) shower, visit Hungry Horse dam and see some local sites (hike).
Tomorrow we will leave and head to Canada. Oh for those wanting to know, we're averaging about $120 a day. Theresa hasn't smoked in over 3 weeks. Make sure you congradulate her. (she's been pretty mellow considering).
It's funny how thing change or don't change. We sleep till we want to get up. (mostly around 8:30 ish). Some times we even take a nap around 2. We've been eating late, but healthy. The campground we are at is for sale. Its only 2.6 Mil. A bit out of our price range. Don't worry mom we aren't moving here. (yet). LOL. The country is great. Love seeing the sights. Meeting the people. Bob talks to everybody. (surprise)
Not sure when we'll be able to update but we will when we have the opertunity and time. (oh we always have the time) LOL
Take care, Missing you all. (Well kinda) LOL.... Just kidding!!!!! We'll see you this fall...


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