Sunday, July 24, 2005

Down time 20, 21 July

OK. No pictures these days. We've been sight seeing the last few. Lots of driving. Yellowstone is at least twice the size of RI. Actually getting ready to get back on the road again. We used these days to plan the trip to Glacier NP and recharge our batteries. Played a few games of cribbage. She skunked me one game. I came back with a vengance.
We had our first wind storm, missed it, but the camp sight took a direct hit. Our screen room blew to the next site over. The only damage was one bent leg pole. The picture earlier is the site we're talking about. We also had a local buffalo that roamed the area, missed the deer. They were at our site at 5:30 am. (like we're gonna be up that early)
We took everything down the evening of the 21st. It was noisy that night not sure if it was the full moon or what. At about 4:30 am we heard lots of coyotes howling. I had to wake Theresa up to hear them. It was pretty cool.
We left to go to Glacier NP the morning of the 22nd.


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