Sunday, July 31, 2005

We are now in the Yukon Territory. Here we catch the Campbell Highway which will be unpaved for a couple of hundred miles. We spend the night at Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park in Northern British Columbia the night of the 30th. It was a hot spring in a natural setting and was very beautiful.

We will be stopping in Watson Lake shortly to fuel as there are no services along the Campbell Highway for a long time. They have a science center here with a Northern Lights presentation that we plan to stop in to see. After this town, there isn't much.

The Northern Lights show was great. We fueled up and got some coffee. It is 57 degrees here at 2:30pm Pacific Time. We are now on the Campbell Highway on gravel. Believe it or not, this is one of the major roads in the Yukon. The towns are not towns as we know them in the states. Only the larger towns have amenities such as lodging, gas, and grocery stores. We have passed one truck so far on this road in 10 miles. We are happy for the occassional signs that indicate a pull-out with litter barrels so we may change drivers or just to stretch.

The road is heavily forested on both sides. The mountains and hills have been beautiful to now as the were multiple shades of green due to the various trees on them including paper birch, poplar, and various evergreens. Brilliant wildflowers are in patches along the Alaska Highway. Some rivers and lakes boast trophy fish the weight of a toddler.

The really nice thing is that you don't have to worry where there will be clean public restrooms since there are no bathrooms. Haha

We have come to the time when running water that does not have to be boiled first and toilets that flush are luxuries. A hot shower will be a downright cause of celebration.

I am beginning to think there is no such thing as the ever elusive moose and there is a great moose conspiracy. What I thought was moose in Tetons was more likely elk. We still have not seen one, though others have reported to, even at the campsite last night. We saw mountain goats and bighorn sheep along the Alaska Highway yesterday. Today we saw a herd of buffalo so far. There are many more animals that people per square mile here.

While the amenities are far and few between, the region is beautiful and has so much to offer in the way of dazzling scenery and wildlife, it will make the transition back to urbanization with the traffic and commercialization difficult. The townsfolk we have encountered are friendly and it is a much less harried way of life. For comparison sake, I did some population density calculations:

Florida 272 people per square mile
Pennsylvania 271
Wyoming 5
Alaska 1
Yukon Territory .15

Since Bob is driving and I have time, here is a gross, though amusing excerpt from the Milepost "The Bible of North Country." It was written by Sgt Chris Gras during the construction of the original Alcan Highway which was completed in 8 months during the 40's for military purposes.

"About a mile from the Liard (River) crossing, we built a mess hall and set up a Quonset hut. We also dug a deep 4-hole latrine. It began to snow and got very cold. It was then our problems with the latrine began. It began filling up, forming columns all the way up to the holes...The captain had me and 2 other men build a fire in the latrine. I told Daunhauer and Warren to get a little gasoline and start a fire. They poured about 5 gallons of gasoline down a hole and then, for some reason, proceeded to wait.
"Finally, they threw a lighted match and the latrine exploded, plastering the sides and roof with a brown substance and toilet paper, which immediately froze. It looked like some bizarre kind of Christmas decoration. Daunhauer and Warren had their eyebrows burned off and were a mess. We did use the latrine afterwards, but I sure wouldn't have wanted to be there when it warmed up in the spring."

They have extreme winters here, sometimes -50 degrees. They plug in their cars to keep the engine block from freezing. For us, in the summer, it is an adventure.

Archives Link on Right Side of Web Page

I guess our blog is getting big. There is an archive tab on the right so you can see the start of our adventure in July.

Safe in Yukon Territory, Canada

Hey All,
Stayed in Liard Hot Springs last night. Water warm. We're safe. Driving to Faro, Yukon. In Watson lake right now. No cell service. Will post more and add pictures when we can.

Bob and Theresa.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Start of the Alaska Highway

Taken 29 July The Beginning of the Alaska Highway. Only 1400 miles to Fairbanks, Alaska. Let the journey begin. Posted by Picasa

Arrived in Fort Nelson, BC

Hello all,
Internet access 2 days in a row. Woo Hoo. Todays drive was very nice. Drove from Grande Prairie, Alberta to Fort Nelson, British Columbia. We're officially on the Alaskan Highway. Its kinda like driving thru the Ocala Forest only it doesn't end and has mountains and hills. Its a 2 lane road of good construction. Theresa is driving more. We switch off about every hour or so. The road has been upgraded many times since it first opened. We drove on an origional section (it still had a curved wooded bridge) it was very rough.
Didn't see too much wildlife today. We did see a bear as roadkill. That was sad and very strange. We stopped in Dawson Creek the official mile zero. Good size town. Took a picture that we will upload next time. Lots of oil and natural gas exploration going on. Actually what is drilled they are taking out. The exploration goes on in the winter when the ground is frozen.
Well thats it for now.
Bob and Theresa....

This is the glacier from the visitors center. We took a regular bus to the snow "bus".  Posted by Picasa

This is our bus to the glacier. It was a fun trip.  Posted by Picasa

27th July. We're standing on the Athabasca Glacier in the Columbia Glacier field. Posted by Picasa

Lake Moraine. Just down the road from Lake Louise. Notice the lady who walked into our shot. These mountain peaks are awsome. This place was very busy. We ate lunch a couple miles down the road and had great views of the mountains. (I had to park in bus parking it was so busy. Theresa wasn't happy with me). Posted by Picasa

Lake Louise in Banff NP. Taken 27th July. The color of the lake is from the rock flour in the water. Very Pretty Place. Getting cooler. Posted by Picasa

In Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada

Good Morning all,
Today is the 29th of July. We spent a night in the Best Western in Grande Prairie. It was our 3rd anniversery. (I found cards to get for theresa, she had already gotten them). So we treated ourselves to a hotel suite. It was very nice to be able to get up and go to the bathroom without having to worry about bears or having to get dressed. We ate supper at Tony Roma's. The hotel had a pool and Hot Tub that we used. (ahhhh... Relaxing) Explored the city. It was pretty nice. One thing I noticed was electric plugs all over the place. Why??? Its gets down to -40C here and they plug the cars in to keep the engine warm. Glad its summer and we'll be out of here before winter.
The bike rack was the first casuality on this trip. Doing a safety walk around we found that the welds had cracked on the rack and had to remove the bikes and mount them on the back window. We replaced the rack in GP it was a deal at $35 canadian. Hopefully this one is stronger. The rack broke some place between Banff and Jasper.
Oh our cel phones cost .69 a minute. We'll be using our calling cards in canada.
I've updated all the pictures that we've taken so far. Check back often, leave feedback and we'll be in touch.

Sorry no Pictures of Banff

We didn't take any pics of Banff... Sorry. More pictures will follow.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Between Banff and Jasper Alberta Canada

Hey all,
We're pulled over on side of the road. Found internet connection. Banff was awsome, Got to see the Presidential Suite of the Fairmont Banff Springs Lodge.. Its awsome. Having a great time. Will update as possible. Wanted to give a quick update. We're planning on staying a night in Jasper.

Love Bob and Theresa

Monday, July 25, 2005

Dam Sign

They feel pretty strongly about this. Taken on Hungry Horse Dam. (oops this is a little late 24 July). Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Up to date Morning 24 July

Ok we've worked the last hour or so posting pictures and catching you up on what is going on. We've decided to stay an extra night here at San-Suz-Ed Campground outside West Glacier. Today (Sunday 24th July) we're gonna (ok I keep trying to type "gona" and theresa keeps correcting me, She is Correct(I am so wrong)) shower, visit Hungry Horse dam and see some local sites (hike).
Tomorrow we will leave and head to Canada. Oh for those wanting to know, we're averaging about $120 a day. Theresa hasn't smoked in over 3 weeks. Make sure you congradulate her. (she's been pretty mellow considering).
It's funny how thing change or don't change. We sleep till we want to get up. (mostly around 8:30 ish). Some times we even take a nap around 2. We've been eating late, but healthy. The campground we are at is for sale. Its only 2.6 Mil. A bit out of our price range. Don't worry mom we aren't moving here. (yet). LOL. The country is great. Love seeing the sights. Meeting the people. Bob talks to everybody. (surprise)
Not sure when we'll be able to update but we will when we have the opertunity and time. (oh we always have the time) LOL
Take care, Missing you all. (Well kinda) LOL.... Just kidding!!!!! We'll see you this fall...

Glacier NP Overlook

Pictures don't do this park justice. Glacier NP is truely "Crown of the continent" as it's refered to. Posted by Picasa

23 July Glacier NP. Going to the Sun Road. YES!!!! That is SNOW in July behind us. We drove both ways on the Going to the Sun Road. What an incredible park and drive. The lodges are beautiful. "Many Glacier" Lodge is not to be missed. Its the Alps in America. Very swiss like. Felt like another country. PBS did a special on Great Lodges. It made the list. We'd like to spend some time there in the future. It's only open 3 months a year.  Posted by Picasa

Down time 20, 21 July

OK. No pictures these days. We've been sight seeing the last few. Lots of driving. Yellowstone is at least twice the size of RI. Actually getting ready to get back on the road again. We used these days to plan the trip to Glacier NP and recharge our batteries. Played a few games of cribbage. She skunked me one game. I came back with a vengance.
We had our first wind storm, missed it, but the camp sight took a direct hit. Our screen room blew to the next site over. The only damage was one bent leg pole. The picture earlier is the site we're talking about. We also had a local buffalo that roamed the area, missed the deer. They were at our site at 5:30 am. (like we're gonna be up that early)
We took everything down the evening of the 21st. It was noisy that night not sure if it was the full moon or what. At about 4:30 am we heard lots of coyotes howling. I had to wake Theresa up to hear them. It was pretty cool.
We left to go to Glacier NP the morning of the 22nd.

Old Faithful Area

Firehole River Geyser. 19 July. This is one of the many geysers along the 3 mile loop. We saw Old Faithful, Beehive, Castle and numerous others. Any one of these would be a sight to see. But the area is loaded with them. Theresa mentioned that she was afraid the volcano would erupt. We are sleeping on the sleeping giant inside the calderaPosted by Picasa

18th at Canyon. Theresa painting canyon with water colors. She did a nice job. Posted by Picasa

18 July. Taken at The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. More hiking, geothermal features and a very pretty place. Theresa had her flip-flops on the first time, had to go back and get her hiking shoes. We're amazed at how diverse Yellowstone is. Posted by Picasa

16 July Norris Hot Springs. We're hiking in Norris. Nice hike. Paths are well worn and most are planked. Behind us are multiple HOT springs over 145 deg. This day we saw a Huge elk about 10 feet in front of us on Virgina Cascades Rd. It appeared as we rounded a corner. It was amazing. (Yes I didn't have the camera ready).
This evening we went to the town of Gardiner, MT ate at a local place it had great pasta. Went to a local movie saw "Herbie". The theater held 30 people (4 were there with us on saturday), only one screen, out of focus (ok the 2 feet in the center were just barely in focus) and the movie was too big for the screen the top foot and bottom 6 inches were projected on the wall. It was fun though.Posted by Picasa

Another shot on the 15th July. This was on our way home (back to the campsite). We spent the day exploring north yellowstone. Yellowstone is huge. This was by Mamoth hot springs. The Yellowstone river carved a canyon that you see in the background.  Posted by Picasa

15th July. Mamouth Hot Springs. This is Orange mound it has hot springs water running down it. Thats the orange area. The different colors are caused by bacteria that live in different tempature waters. Posted by Picasa

In case you were wondering if we were really roughing it.... We have our generator, Sirius radio, laptop, wifi, gps, screen room, comfortable seats, propane grill and lantern, aircond and heat. (used the heat more than the air) Posted by Picasa

This was the 14th of July. We are in front of Jenny lake with the Tetons behind us. These mountains are incredible. We stayed at Lizzard Creek Campground. Our first primative campground (no water/electric/showers). It was great. Views of Jackson lake from our site. We did a raft trip that included supper. It was very good food and a nice raft ride down the river. Posted by Picasa

Devils Tower in Wyoming. It was great there. Very nice drive. This Butte is massive. Can be seen for miles outside the park. It is a sacred native american place. Here's a link for the place: Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Spending time in Glacier National Park

Yellowstone was great. Stay tuned for pictures. We're in Glacier National Park, Montanna. Having a great time so far.

Bob and Theresa.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

In Teton NP getting ready for Yellowstone

Hello Everyone,
We're in Teton now. Found internet access at the Jackson Lodge. We're doing well. Slept in today. Biked, hiked, and rafted it was a great day. Days have been warm and nights have been comfortable. Got to see lots of stars and a few animals. Today we saw moose, bald eagles, elk, coyote and numerous birds. Tomorrow the 15th we will be driving to Yellowstone NP. Looks like the weather will be getting cooler.

Bobs technical stuff...(Had a check engine light. Turned out to be O2 sensors. Cleared the codes.. Life is good again.)

Happy Birthday Liz!!!!!!!

thats it for now. Look forward to pictures.
Bob and Theresa

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mt Rushmore at night. Posted by Picasa

Big city blues.... This is a real place. Middle of nowhere WY. Posted by Picasa

Taken at Wall Drug Store. Tourist trap in SD. Their gimic was free ice water. It was a cute place. So far this is as close to a baby as we've come. Posted by Picasa

This was taken at Mitchell Corn Palace. It's a convention center decorated with corn, grasses and grains from the area.  Posted by Picasa

Update July 12

So far the trip has been fantastic. We basically did nothing but drive the first three days, then when we made it to South Dakota, we began to do some sightseeing. We stayed in the Black Hills of South Dakota for three nights and drove through Badlands, saw Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial, Devil's Tower, Deadwood, took a train ride through old mining/gold rush towns, and did some beautiful scenic drives, including a wildlife loop of Custer State Forest where we saw hundreds of buffalo. They would just stand in the road, leaving you no choice but to sit and wait while they decided to mosey around. It was great though and we got some fantastic pictures of them. We have seen a lot of wild animals and some incredible scenery. The Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming have been incredible so far for scenery. The day we drove through the Badlands, the temperature was 105 degrees, and at our campground in the mountains that night the temperature was 60 degrees, so the temperatures do change drastically through the day. We even had a hail storm when we were in South Dakota, though the temperature had been 90 earlier in the day.

Wyoming especially, is vast and empty. Towns are a good 60 miles apart and some exits off the interstate are just dirt roads. We have a picture of a town sign that shows a population of 15 residents. There is no traffic. It is such a nice change from the traffic and hustle and bustle of the Philly and Jacksonville areas. We are currently in the town of Buffalo, Wyoming which is a good size town for Wyoming with a poplulation of 3900. It is an unbelievably friendly town and we can see snow covered mountains from our campsite, past the prarie, though it is currently a hot 93 in the sun, down where we are.

Today, we are heading to Grand Teton National Park, then Yellowstone, so we will not have interenet access or cell phones for probably the next ten days.

Link to Street and Trips Maps Blog

Hello All,
The link that follows was setup so you could see our route we're taking. Didn't want to clutter up this site too much. Any ideas and feed back would be great. Thanks.

Also you can use the link button on the side. (Under Links) Check back often we will try to update at least once a week. More often as we can.

Bob and Theresa

Monday, July 11, 2005

This is us entering Minnesota. We're trying to get pictures of us as we enter the states.  Posted by Picasa

Taken 7/7/2005 Near Mississippi Palisades Park Illinois.  Posted by Picasa

Arrived in Buffalo WY

Hello All,
Just a quick post to let you know we're safe. Will update with pictures and info tomorrow. Got internet access and nice place.

Bob and Theresa

Friday, July 08, 2005

Trip Overview

Hi, This is our home. It's located about 18 feet behind us when we're driving. This was taken at the first campsite we stayed at on our trip. It was located at the Cedar Point Exit in Ohio.

After the mover's packed us up on June 28th, we headed to Rhode Island for a week. It has taken us three days of 10 hour driving days to reach South Dakota. We will be in Yellowstone from July 15th to the 22nd, and expect to hit Alaska in the very beginning of August. We will spend 2 weeks in Alaska and expect to hit Victoria, then Washington state at the end of August, where we will try to catch a military flight to Hawaii. Afterwards, we will drive down the west coast, then east along the southern US, and we expect to be back in Florida in October.

We will update out location and add pictures when we have internet access.

We're in South Dakota

Hello All,
We've made it to South Dakota. We've not had internet access and took a virus attack on the computer. Had to do a major reload. We'll get pictures as soon as I can get them up. Theresa has been keeping great logs. She'll be posting soon.
