Saturday, August 27, 2005

Arrived in Hyder, AK

Surprise!!!! We're back in Alaska. The only city in the panhandle of Alaska that you can drive to. Its a very pretty drive here thru Canada on rt 37A. Saw a Bald Eagle today escorting our car for a couple hundred feet (only feet off the passenger side. Theresa got a great view) Saw multiple rainbows, a few glaciers (Bear Glacier), lots of waterfalls and just fabulous scenery. Will update pictures soon. Gonna stay here a couple nights. Its really that nice. (I'm getting tired of driving.)

We ate at "The Bus", its a local seafood joint, very good food. Yes a real bus. This is the link with pictures.
Theresa had KingCrab Leg (1 lb) it was at least 16 inches long. I had surf and turf. It was very good food. Her husband is a commercial fisher. They also do their own smoking of salmon. We ate on the table that Robin Williams signed while here filming "Insomnia". We held a 105 gram gold nugget (cheap only $3500) at a local mall (pawn/bait/fishing/hunting/parts store) all in 1000 sq ft. Oh, he wore his security system on his belt (Colt I think).

A few facts on Hyder. Mail comes twice a week if weather is good, by float plane. Thats how they get the guns here. Kinda funny. No mail go thru Canada. Don't have to worry about customs that way. Property is cheap if you don't want a title. Otherwise..... Well you have to wait till someone dies to get some land here. Population about 100. They get about 30 feet of snow a year. And they keep the roads open.... Funny 12 inches in philadelphia and they shut everything down...

Its getting late. We're tired.. Happy reading.... Bob and Theresa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby and Theresa,

Finally looking at your Blog. Great site and awesome pics.
I love the Bald Eagle. I hate the cat (even though it is at least a real cat....).

Hope you all have a continued safe journey and can't wait to see more pics and see you sometime later this year. (I miss our dinner and movie nights!)

I suppose you heard that NOLA is submerged. Awwwhhh. I am SO happy I sold my house!

Stay well. Thanks also for the post cards.

miss ya,

6:23 AM  

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